Thursday 14 October 2010

A thought on observation

Topolski Century Gallery 22/10 – 30/10/10
Solo Exhibition by Sanna Jarl – Hansson

The Topolski Century Gallery it is located on the South Bank and contains a unique, monumental work of art that presents an extraordinary panoramic record of key events and figures of the twentieth century as witnessed by the artist Feliks Topolski (1907 – 1989).

As part of the Black History Week Topolski Century Gallery would like to invite you to Sanna Jarl-Hansson Solo exhibition with the title “A thought on observation” where through her work she explores the understanding of cultural division and collation from under unique characteristics of an individual need of relativity within the socio-cultural surroundings that have encapsulated her life.

Sanna finds similar links to Feliks Topolski "landscape of humanity" through the exposure of the different cultures he witnessed in his excessive travels and juxtaposed here at the memoir. She was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  In a very early age moved with her family to Kenya and then to Rome were she spent her childhood experiencing the duality of cultures through her often journeys to the two continents. Since 2005 she has lived and works in London and recently graduated with a BA Fine Art from Middlesex University London.

As Sanna describes: “Someone who has spent time growing up outside of their parents culture has been thought to most likely suffer from an identity crisis, because there is more than one country as well as culture that has helped form "where they come from" but with time I've learnt to take advantage instead.”

Private view: October 22nd 6pm – 9pm admission free

Further information please visit :

Topolski Century
150-152 Hungerford Arches
South Bank, London